For Immediate Release

June 26, 2013


DGEDC Presents Cornerstone Awards at Annual Luncheon

Downers Grove, IL-The Downers Grove Economic Development presented its Cornerstone Awards today at the DGEDC Annual Luncheon. The luncheon was held at
the DoubleTree Suites Hotel and featured keynote remarks by James Skogsbergh, President and CEO of Advocate Health Care. More than 160 business and community
leaders attended the event.

This was the first year that the DGEDC presented the awards. The annual Cornerstone Awards will recognize projects that have been completed in the preceding
twelve months. Projects will be judged on the economic impact and the design of the facility. In addition, recipients must be good corporate citizens. Mayor Martin Tully presented the 2013 Cornerstone Awards at the Annual Luncheon. In his remarks, he said that “the importance of economic development to the Village and the community cannot be overstressed.”

The first award was presented to Midwestern University. Dr. Karen Johnson, Vice President-University Relations, accepted the award. The second recipient was Flavorchem. President Ken Malinowski accepted the award. The final award was presented to Shop & Save Market. The owners, Eva and Cezar Jakobowsky, accepted the award.


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