Sponsored by the State of Illinois, Small Business Community Navigator Programs were originally introduced to serve underserved minority, rural, veteran and women-owned businesses. While Spark will help these businesses engage with available local, state and federal resources, DGEDC is committed to doing more.
Why Spark?
Inspired by the meaning of this energetic word, Spark has been created to set off a sudden force or burst of activity for area small businesses. Here are a few of the ways DGEDC intends to use Spark to inspire growth and bring ideas to life:
- Events & Forums – From webinars to social gatherings, Spark will use grassroots engagement strategies to bring area businesses and community organizations together. Fostering collaboration among local business owners will generate ideas and energy that can only lead to positive momentum within the business community.
- Technical Assistance – Spark will be tasked with providing access to any sources of economic support that may become available. 1-on-1 assistance will also be available to help local businesses determine eligibility and apply for available assistance.
- News & Social Media – Through e-newsletters and social media, Spark will keep area businesses informed and share success stories about Downers Grove businesses that have used economic assistance or area resources to Spark their path to newfound success.
Our hope is that as a Small Business Navigator Program, Spark will uncover ideas and resources that can strengthen local businesses and enhance the quality of life in Downers Grove.
Please contact the Downers Grove Economic Development Corporation at 630.729.0380 with any questions you may have.